Plan miasta Hamningberg

Hamningberg - Najnowsze wiadomości:

Satakunnan linnut: Seychelles 1(4), Praslin and Vallée de Mai

Here harmless people are ensconced with their own culture and traditions. Don't fail to visit Seychelles in your next vacation. You can enjoy many activities like scuba diving, snorkeling, parasailing, and sailing etc. ...
źródło: BlogSearch

Tours for Lapland Norway

The tour continues for the shore of the Ocean Arctic Glacier up to the Hamningberg locality , where it will be able to know the most extreme Arctic nature thanks to the impressive ravines. A very interesting link is that of the ...
źródło: BlogSearch

I hope you're all sitting VERY comfortably.... (BirdBlog)

Sometime around 9.30 pm we eventually hit Kuusamo town and checked in to the superbly comfortable Hotel Sokos, for some well earned rest, some grub and an early night? just as if! 30 minutes later we went out ..... The bleak tundra road to Hamningberg was fantastic, with interesting birds every hundred metres or so. Striking summer-plumaged male Lapland Buntings were singing next to the road; Red-throated Pipits competing with them. Arctic Skuas dashed about us and waders ...
źródło: BlogSearch
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